Let Your Teens Sleep In: It's Good for Mental Health
For parents who are suddenly homeschooling teenagers during COVID-19, here's a tip: let them sleep in. Studies show that extra sleep for teenagers actually helps shield them against depression and anxiety.
It's true! This study from 2017 showed that teenagers with school starting at 8:30am or later had better mental health than their earlier-starting counterparts.
You might think it’s because they’re getting more sleep, but that’s not necessarily true. Even when you just look at the students who are already getting enough sleep (between 8 and 10 hours), those with later start times were mentally healthier.
That’s not to say good “sleep hygiene” can’t help. Even though everyone's schedules are messed up, I still don't think teens need to stay up late every night just because they aren't heading to school in the morning. For teenagers, healthy sleep means dialing back on the caffeine (especially after 6 p.m.), turning off electronics before bedtime, keeping a consistent sleep schedule, and getting between 8 and 10 hours of sleep. Across the board, with early or late school starts, the teens who met those guidelines were less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.
Here’s what one of the researchers had to say:
“Our study is consistent with a growing body of research demonstrating the close connection between sleep hygiene and adolescent mental health. But ours is the first to really look at how school start times affect sleep quality, even when a teen is doing everything else right to get a good night’s sleep. While there are other variables that need to be explored, our findings show that earlier school start times seem to put more pressure on the sleep process and increase mental health symptoms, while later school start times appear to be a strong protective factor for teens.”
Teenagers are going through a complicated time already with all the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19. On top of that, they're also experiencing brain development and hormone fluxuations bearing down on them constantly. So if your teen is still in bed long after normal school start times, let the sleeping teen lie.