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Nearly 6 million Americans reported having marijuana use disorder in 2012-13, nearly double the numbers reported 10 years ago.

For individuals to fit in that category, they’ve got to have experienced major life disruption connected to using marijuana: They’re taking big risks, they’re having legal trouble, they’re neglecting major responsibilities or they’re having trouble with relationships, for example.

And that’s not all. People who are using too much pot often have problems with other addictions and mental and behavioral issues.

That’s why researchers are calling for better public awareness of the risks that come with pot use.  Those who struggle with marijuana use disorder rarely get treatment, and that needs to change.

Cognitive behavioral therapy is a promising treatment option for substance use disorders: With this therapy, affected individuals learn to change  problematic behavior and build self control.

For more information about the growing problem of marijuana use disorder, check out this article.

Satu Woodland is owner and clinician of Mental Health Solutions, an integrative mental health practice located at Bown Crossing in Boise, Idaho. She sees children, adolescents, and adults.

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