Is Schizophrenia Genetic or Environmental?
"Is schizophrenia genetic or environmental?" is a pretty common question I see flying around. It's fair to ask, seeing how schizophrenia often runs in families, whereas some people develop the disorder out of the blue. So, is schizophrenia genetic or developed?
Schizophrenia is a complex neuropsychiatric disorder resulting from both genetic and environmental factors. If schizophrenia runs in your family or your grandparent has it, there's a high risk of you or your descendant(s) inheriting it. However, environmental factors like lifestyle, drug use, poverty, stress, and birth complications may also increase one's risk.
This was the conclusion Patrick Sullivan, MD, and fellow researchers in Sweden reached after their recent study, analyzing numerous past studies.
Since schizophrenia typically runs in families, genetic testing is used to identify risk factors.
Researchers believe about 80% of the risk factors for schizophrenia are genetic.
Takeaway: Is schizophrenia genetic?
Schizophrenia is both a genetic and environmental enigma. Researchers have yet to fully understand its specific causes and mechanics.
Now, the most important thing: although you cannot alter your genetics, you can modify your environment (your lifestyle, drug use, stressful conditions, etc.).
So, if you worry about developing schizophrenia or fear your kids may be at risk because of your family history, you can start by practicing a healthier lifestyle.
Also, consider going for genetic testing.
If you've already been diagnosed with schizophrenia, we can help.
We understand that the delusions, hallucinations, and poor emotional control can make life feel almost worthless. We can help you manage the symptoms so you can live a higher quality life.
Get in touch now.