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Your diet is obviously important for your physical health, but did you know nutrition can make a big difference for mental health, too?

More and more studies have been linking what you eat to how you feel mentally and emotionally.

Just this week I read news about nutrition and happiness in students. A new study found four specific nutrition choices made students happier:

  1. Eating breakfast,
  2. Eating more meals,
  3. Eating fruits, and
  4. Eating vegetables.

Students who ate breakfast every day, had more than 8 servings of fruit and vegetables daily, and had 3 meals in addition to 1-2 snacks per day had the highest happiness score.

On the other hand, a study a few years ago showed people who eat fast food are 51 percent more likely to develop depression.

I believe mental health comes from taking care of your mind, your body, and your spirit. So pick a change you can make, and make it today!

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